• Persönlichkeitstraining

    Personal and self-management

    Learn and build on core skills such as a self-confident appearance, attention to organisational time and personal management improves your company's image.

Time and self-management: Competence training to optimise your work routine

Interdisciplinary workplaces demand not only specialist competencies from their employees, but also key personal, methodological and social skills. Those who make full use of their ‘soft skills’ are more successful in several areas. Time management, self-management, self-organisation

In times of high stress, employees need to have optimal time and self-management skills so that they can carry out their tasks on time. You have to learn to manage your working life in an efficient and independent way. Employers benefit from excellent self-organization skills of employees. 

Still looking for a workshop that will prepare you for precisely these challenges in your working life? Then the time and self-management seminar by KERN AG Training could be exactly what you need!

Training content: 

In this seminar, you will take a close look at your own way of working and work habits. You will learn how you can plan and implement tasks more meaningfully thanks to priority setting. At the same time, you will learn how to use more effective communication techniques, reduce time pressure and stress and concentrate on what's really important. You'll acquire and practice the most important time management rules by means of case examples, checklists and worksheets.

  • Critical analysis of daily workflows
  • Task management Recognising and sorting tasks
  • Planning workflows and tasks
  • Recognising and setting priorities
  • Self-management instead of time management
  • Basic principles of organisational and time management
  • Design optimal written communication and telephone calls.
  • Information management
  • Stress management

How would you like to improve your time and self-management? We're here to help. Please use our .

Profitieren Sie vom Kurs „sicheres Auftreten“

Ein sicheres Auftreten ist erlernbar und spielt eine entscheidende Rolle in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen. Durch Selbstreflexion, Arbeit an der Körperhaltung, Verbesserung der Stimme und Sprache sowie der Entwicklung einer positiven Ausstrahlung können wir unser Auftreten stärken. Mit den richtigen Tipps und Übungen können wir selbstbewusst und überzeugend auftreten und unsere Ziele erreichen.

Sie haben Interesse an diesem Seminar? Dann kontaktieren Sie uns gerne über das Kontaktformular!

We're happy to help

We are there for you Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Tel.: (069) 75 60 73-90
Email: info@kerntraining.com