Intercultural Training China: Business etiquette & much more!

China, the most populous country in the world, looks back on 7,000 years of cultural history, and is at the same time moving at a fast pace in the modern, globalised world. The Chinese economy is booming like no other. Contact with Chinese business partners and stays in China will soon no longer be the exception, they will be the rule. Corresponding training on China and professional intercultural competence is decisive for finding one’s bearings successfully in Chinese culture.

Against this background, an understanding of China and Chinese cultural values and norms, as well as intercultural communication, will in future be considered essential for the business success of companies operating internationally. KERN AG Training provides you and your team with this cultural knowledge about China and the numerous differences between it and Germany.

Business success in China

With our intercultural training for China, managers and employees will develop a basic awareness of the cultural norms prevalent in China. In the training, you and your team will learn how to better understand and anticipate the behaviour of your Chinese colleagues and business partners and respond appropriately during collaboration. Goal-oriented intercultural coaching forms the basis from which, underpinned by mutual understanding, you can achieve successful intercultural collaboration in China.

Intercultural Training China – Contents:

  • Fundamental patterns of the social structure of China and Taiwan
  • Initial contacts in China and with Chinese partners and communication behaviour
  • Rules of communication in China: keeping face - yours and the other person's
  • Recognising and dealing with conflicts
  • Developing action strategies for China and Taiwan
  • Interacting with employees: leadership styles and employee motivation
  • Working in German-Chinese project teams: maximise the potential in China
  • Training: negotiating with Chinese business partners

The training and seminars are led by German or Chinese experts with proven experience and high-level skills in cultural education and intercultural training. Companies active in China and their employees benefit directly from the training with valuable knowledge about country-specific differences in China’s culture and ways of thinking

For a non-binding enquiry on intercultural training for China, or if you have a question regarding training dates, contact us via the online form or call us on (0 69) 75 60 73 90.

Contact & Advice

Interested in a social skills seminar for you and your staff? Send us your enquiry via the contact form or give us a call.

We're happy to help

We are there for you Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Tel.: (069) 75 60 73-90