• Language Coaching & Shadowing

    Language Coaching & Shadowing

    Tailored language support: We help you to achieve your personal learning goals and improve your communication skills!


Language Coaching & Shadowing

Is it important for your job to be able to communicate in a foreign language openly and professionally? Are you looking for a coach who combines business and communication training with practical exercises? Then you are in the right hands with KERN Training! Our specialist trainers have a wealth of experience to offer you the best possible support during the learning process by means of language coaching.

At Kern, we use systematic learning! With language coaching and shadowing in particular, a solution tailored to you is important. Listening comprehension in fictitious customer meetings, analysing business texts, and replicating everyday business conversation situations are just some of the possible training approaches. 

Language Coaching training helps you to achieve many new skills. These are, among others:

  • Speak confidently
  • become business fluent
  • Subject-specific communication
  • lead contractual negotiations
  • active communication
  • confidently presented

KERN Training links many aspects together during language coaching: We determine your language needs and adapt your coaching to the required professional field in the best possible manner. We then provide intensive support to your learning process and discuss key stages. This means that our language coaching is particularly suitable for specialist and executive personnel. We have the necessary tools and resources to actively support you in improving your foreign language skills.

Executive Language Coaching

Insbesondere auf internationaler Ebene wird unter Führungskräften ein perfektes Englisch vorausgesetzt. Um den hohen Ansprüchen an die jeweilige Sprache gerecht zu werden, haben wir das Language Coaching für Executives entwickelt. Ein Sprachtraining, das sich an die Anforderungen von Führungskräften im Top-Management richtet. Durch die 1:1 Betreuung ist diese Trainingsform eine sehr intensive und effektive Möglichkeit, um eine Sprache besser zu lernen.

Mithilfe unseres Executive Language Coaching können Sie zukünftig selbstbewusst in der jeweiligen Sprache verhandeln, präsentieren oder moderieren. Unser Angebot beschränkt sich jedoch nicht nur auf Englisch. Sprechen Sie uns gerne an, wenn Sie unser Coaching für Führungskräfte in einer anderen Sprache wünschen.

Shadowing is aimed above all at those who already have a high language level (B2-C2) and who want to perfect their language skills. Participants are “shadowed”: Through observation, the language coach analyses which of the participants language competences could be improved and in which specific areas of his daily work he needs support (such as with leading negotiations or with presentations etc.). In this way an optimisation of the language level in certain everyday situations is guaranteed.

Language coaching from KERN offers you:

Certified trainers

Language professionals: The seminars are led by certified language coaches with expertise and cross-sector know-how.

Fast learning success

Teaching in a way you'll understand: We equip you with strategies and tips that you can start using and assimilating immediately.

Practical application

No general theory: Our training is based on real-life situations and we're happy to include your concrete examples so we can fully tailor our support to your own situation!

Have fun

Chat, interact, laugh: Creative togetherness promises a great atmosphere that will quickly boost your self-confidence!

Contact & Advice

Do you have any other questions about Language Coaching or Shadowing? We would be happy to explain the course content to you in more detail and agree on a joint consultation.

We're happy to help

We are there for you Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Tel.: (069) 75 60 73-90
Email: info@kerntraining.com


Seminars and shadowing sessions close to you:

KERN AG delivers language coaching in many different locations throughout Germany.
We are also happy to offer training in-house at your premises. Find out more now or ask for our free advice!

0800 5376 53 76