Language training at KERN AG Training is specifically geared to the needs of apprentices and features learning materials and methods that are adapted to everyday working life and in-company training. Industry-specific language courses for apprentices offer numerous opportunities to improve one’s career prospects, for example, by helping to prepare participants for a particular profession with language and technical skills. It’s also possible to receive further training in a field in which one has already obtained experience. In any case, extensive language skills are essential in order to distinguish oneself in an international context. Thus, the corresponding language courses, e.g. English courses for apprentices, lay the foundation for a successful start to one’s professional life even during the apprenticeship.
Language training can be flexibly integrated into apprentices’ daily work routine or their vocational school training. In this way, they have the opportunity to bring their German or other foreign language skills to a professional level, individually tailored to their language needs. This is an important requirement when working at an international company or in an industry in which knowing a foreign language is essential. Good language skills can also serve one’s career development as these build a solid foundation for professional further training and promotions.
Language courses for apprentices are a good opportunity to improve one’s professional prospects and to become equipped for one’s future career during dual vocational training. Whether German courses for non-native speakers or a foreign language course in, for example, English, French or Spanish - language courses for apprentices are of essential importance and a requirement for sustainable career success both in a private and professional context. They are also a solid and future-proof basis for all further vocational training.
Professional language courses for apprentices from KERN AG Training can be adapted as needed to the specific needs and requirements of a particular industry, in-company vocational training or profession and thus offer a targeted preparation for the language demands of the respective occupation. Participants learn not only technical terms and expressions, but also the cultural differences and conventions that are important for the respective industry.
German courses for apprentices are a good opportunity to build one’s language skills before and during a dual apprenticeship or to improve one’s existing German language skills. They are especially suitable for apprentices whose native language isn’t German and thus have a particular need for training. The German courses are also useful for apprentices from abroad who wish to expand and improve their German skills. In view of the shortage of skilled workers and the associated influx of workers from abroad, learning German can be an advantage.
German courses for apprentices can be taken in various formats, e.g. as an in-person course or an online course. These courses are aligned with the various language levels. KERN AG Training has the right course for everyone, from beginners to advanced learners. Practical online solutions can also be of interest: they can be easily integrated into apprentices’ daily work routine or their vocational school training thanks to flexible learning concepts. The e-learning platform KERN Lingo™ is a great way to practise and expand one’s acquired language skills anytime and anywhere.
If apprentices or new employees require particular training in a company-specific language, we recommend the KERN ClientApp™. With this app, foreign language skills are taught in a customer- or industry specific manner and the terminology and corporate wording of the customer or the training company can be integrated.
Generally speaking, foreign language skills are an advantage in professions with a connection to international markets or that entail contact with people from abroad. Foreign language skills support professional and successful cooperation with international partners. Industries and professions in which foreign languages can be of use include:
Language training for apprentices during the apprenticeship can bring the following benefits:
Arbeitnehmer:innen und Arbeitgeber:innen können Fördermittel für Sprachtraining während der Ausbildung in Anspruch nehmen. Dadurch kann der Sprachenunterricht für Azubis bezuschusst werden, sodass das Sprachenlernen vergünstigt oder sogar kostenlos erfolgen kann. Es gibt zum Beispiel Angebote der Bundesagentur für Arbeit oder auch der Bundesregierung, um Fördermöglichkeiten in Anspruch zu nehmen. Zusätzliche Informationen zu den Voraussetzungen geben wir Ihnen jederzeit gerne im weiteren Austausch.
Folgende Förderungen können von Azubis und Arbeitgebern in Anspruch genommen werden:
Erfahren Sie mehr über geförderte Sprachkurse.
KERN AG Training offers language courses for apprentices for all language levels – from beginner to advanced courses. The most popular courses are German courses for apprentices of immigrant origin and English courses for apprentices who wish to prepare themselves for work in international companies during their apprenticeship.
The course programme is aligned with the Common European Reference for Languages (CERF). The CEFR level system for language acquisition describes the six internationally accepted levels in the areas of listening, reading, writing and speaking. With two learning modules in every level, you build your language skills step by step and will be able to communicate in your desired language after only a short period of time.
The KERN Assess™ placement test can be used to determine one’s current language level and to test respective skills. This helps gauge which course is most suitable. The language level is used to adapt course content to each participant’s language skills, ensuring that courses are fun and that participants are successful.
Are you interested in specialised language training for apprentices, or do you require information on a different service from KERN AG Training? Please get in touch. We advise you on targeted language courses for apprentices and support you in integrating language training into apprenticeships.
We are there for you Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Tel.: (069) 75 60 73-90