• Persönlichkeitstraining

    Personal and self-management

    Learn and build on core skills such as a self-confident appearance, attention to organisational time and personal management improves your company's image.

Confidence at work

The business etiquette seminar is for everyone who wants to come across as assured, professional and confident - from trainees up to executive levels. This seminar teaches you the correct methods for dealing with any business situation, tailored towards the target group.


Good manners are unfortunately no longer a given in today's world. Yet they form the basis of social interaction. Good behaviour, and an assured and confident manner are crucial in business meetings and negotiations, and so provide the key to your success.

Does "ladies first" still apply? Who offers to shake hands first? Who is introduced to whom first? Our workshop sheds light on these questions and more.


  • Your employees’ professional demeanour
  • Confident and self-assured behaviour towards business partners
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Motivating your employees through noticeable social dexterity

Overview of training content:

  • Manners of the past and today
  • The first impression
    • How do other people see me?
    • Posture and body language
    • Convince with authenticity
  • The second impression
    • Success factor: your voice
    • Pace of speech
    • Tone of voice
    • Success factor: what you say
  • Professional interaction with communication partners
  • Small talk in the business context
    • Initiating topics of conversation
    • Avoiding taboo topics
    • Closing a conversation politely

If you are interested in this seminar, Don't hesitate to contact us via our .

We're happy to help

We are there for you Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Tel.: 020 520 0740
Email: info@kerntraining.com