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Respectful communication

Even in a modern workplace, misunderstandings and frustration in communication are not always avoided. These cost time, energy and efficiency. Reflecting on and improving your communication style doesn’t just benefit you on an interpersonal level - it also encourages motivation and productivity in the workplace.


The work-life balance concept


Time and organisational management

Consistent and targeted time and self-management is a decisive element of effective working practices. With simple time management tools, work processes can be improved significantly, tasks carried out more efficiently and goals reached promptly.


External presentation


Burn-out or Bored-Out?


Business communication


Business Etiquette

Polite manners are unfortunately no longer a given in today's world. Yet they form the basis of social interaction. Good behaviour and an assured and confident manner are crucial in business meetings and negotiations, and so provide the key to your success. Does "Ladies first" still apply? Who offers to shake hands first? Who is introduced to whom first? Our workshop sheds light on these and others questions. 


The power of habits

Do you consider yourself the director of your own life and believe that you make decisions consciously and in a considered way? The reality is that habits rule our lives, both in our private and professional life. In this workshop, you will learn how habits are formed and why. By analysing case studies, we will show you how important it is to develop healthy professional habits and which consequences the wrong habits can have. Through careful self-reflection and analysis, you can learn about your own habits and those of your company, manage these, and consciously shape them.


English for Customer Relations


English for HR

The growing demand for skilled workers and management from overseas leads to a higher requirement for language competency in the HR department. Businesses which operate increasingly internationally face new communicative challenges.

The 'English for Human Resources' workshop provides interactive training based on authentic situations and personal topics to enable you to use English confidently in your day-to-day professional life.


Effective meetings

Productive and goal oriented outcome is the key to effective meetings. Developing skills to ensure objectives are met. 


Management communication



Gesprächsführung – zielführende Kommunikation: Die richtigen Worte und der richtige Ton für den richtigen Kontext. Entwicklung von Kommunikationskompetenzen für den beruflichen Kontext.


Conversation techniques on the phone


Office and customer management

Long-term customer relationships are crucial to stable and sustainable business. It doesn't just mean attracting new customers, but also maintaining and fostering existing business relationships. This training shows you to perform customer analyses in a focused and efficient way, and develop and build on loyalty through 'Service Excellence'.


Intercultural dynamics in international project management


Key Account Management

A Key Account Manager is responsible for cultivating customer relationships professionally and for the long term. Constantly changing circumstances and a dynamic environment call for good strategic planning. You need to be constantly prepared for various scenarios. A solution-oriented approach coupled with flexible responses facilitates long term collaboration based on partnership – turn key accounts into satisfied loyal customers.


Conflict Management

Conflicts in teams and departments or between managers and employees consume valuable time, productivity and financial resources, block important decisions and jeopardise collaboration. At the same time, conflicts are often the driving force for change, as they expose critical situations within the organisation.


Moderation and Presentation Skills

Focused work forces - skilled moderation and presenting facilitates goal oriented and effective results. Activating, motivating, and steering a group to a productive and sustainable outcome.




Complaints and grievance management



Working increasingly faster and more: In almost all industries, managers and employees are required to complete more tasks in the shortest time possible. In this seminar you will learn to recognise your own behaviour and develop methods to better cope with challenges and difficult situations. You will learn how resilience is built and how to strengthen and increase your own personal resilience.



Rhetoric, the art of effective communication, is the key to successful business relationships. Using language ­effectively is crucial in imparting information, speaking convincingly and motivating others.


Dealing with stress

Stress prevention: developing a strategy for dealing with stress.


Conducting negotiations

Day-to-day business often involves negotiating agreements. The outcome should be an agreement that fits your goals and those of your partner. Negotiating effectively is a skill, which means it can be learned like any skill. From solid preparation through to negotiating tactics and strategies, constructive and successful negotiation has many elements and phases that need to be considered.


Sales communication
