Felix Peters
Tel.: (0621) 4 00 42 99-11
Fax: (089) 23 24 908-29
This page contains all the available training formats - you can go ahead and find the one that is right for your goals and preferences.
Individual training is a target-oriented language course that enables individual and fast success in the foreign language. The emphasis is on personal communication between the participant and the trainer. You determine the topics to focus on and the specialist areas in which you would like to acquire language knowledge. The training is supplemented with individual role plays, case studies as well as vocabulary and grammar exercises.
We carefully analyse your needs in a one-on-one conversation with the help of a specialised questionnaire and we design a tailor-made learning programme for you: You decide the schedule, the pace and the content of your learning.
The course will take place in your company or virtually during working hours between 6 am and 8 pm. Training courses should fundamentally not exceed 6 months in length.
Modern technology means that the lesson does not have to take place in a physical room. The Virtual Classroom enables you to learn wherever and whenever you like. Live learning on the internet, flexible and interactive, from the office or from your home (during working hours). You learn using innovative and modern methods.
During internal group courses, you will learn together with your colleagues either at your company premises or in the Virtual Classroom.
The training course is geared to practical use and it encourages the participants to use the relevant foreign language in daily communication right from the beginning.
The classes can be adapted especially to the requirements in the company, enabling the participants to learn how to communicate properly and professionally during their working day. In this way, the knowledge that they have acquired can be directly put into practice.
In tried and tested weekly courses taking place on your premises, you will consistently expand upon and solidify your language knowledge. However, you will still have to regularly take part in the classes and do the homework that we give you. The joy of learning, the fun you will have in the lessons and the progress you constantly make will make learning the foreign language easy, however.
Modern technology means that the lesson does not have to take place in a physical room. The Virtual Classroom enables you to learn wherever and whenever you like. Live learning on the internet, flexible and interactive, from the office or from your home (during working hours). You learn with your group using innovative and modern methods.
In case you haven’t reached your learning goals at the end of the six months or if you have already set new goals with your trainer, you can simply book a follow-up course for another six months via this booking platform. Just like before, please make sure to discuss the measure in advance with your manager.
Felix Peters
Tel.: (0621) 4 00 42 99-11
Fax: (089) 23 24 908-29
Als international etablierter Weiterbildungsdienstleister mit über 45 Schulungszentren bundesweit bietet die KERN AG Training seit 2005 einen breit gefächerten Leistungskatalog an. Wir bieten Training in den Bereichen Sprachen, interkulturelle Kompetenz und Kommunikationskompetenzen an. Angepasst an die kontextuelle Situation sind die Trainingsinhalte zielgerichtet und auf die jeweiligen beruflichen Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen der Teilnehmer zugeschnitten. Mit der Vielzahl an angebotenen Trainingsmöglichkeiten kann sich die KERN AG Training auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse jedes Teilnehmers einstellen: So reichen die Trainingsformen von maßgeschneidertem Einzeltraining über Gruppentraining bis hin zu Intensivtrainings.
Zusätzlich hält die KERN AG Training Schritt mit der Entwicklung digitaler Medien und bietet flexible Möglichkeiten, von zu Hause aus oder unterwegs, Sprachen zu lernen – sei es im KERN Virtual™, über die KERN-Apps oder über eine Selbstlern-Plattform, wodurch der Einsatz modernster Trainingsmedien gewährleistet wird.
Darüber hinaus besteht mit der KERN AG Training die Möglichkeit, sich auf international anerkannte Sprachzertifikate wie telc, TOEFL, LCCI, TFI oder TOEIC gezielt vorzubereiten und diese in den Testzentren des Trainingsdienstleisters zu absolvieren.