• Free special workshops

    Free special workshops

    Take part in our free workshops and profit from our effective training procedures!

Free special workshops

Would you like to improve your skills, but you still haven’t decided which seminar would suit you best? Then take the opportunity to secure yourself one of the coveted places in our free workshops. 

We teach you and your colleagues a wide range of skills that are crucial in your day-to-day professional life. As an international services provider in the fields of language training for specialist and executive personnel, business and communication training as well as intercultural training, we know

  • that companies that invest in their employees' foreign language skills are almost 45% more successful in export business,
  • that dedicated business skills help to secure long-term success,
  • that business and language skills make a significant contribution to delivering internationalisation strategies.

Attend a free special workshop to see the positive effects of our training tools for yourself. Register today for a no-obligation workshop!

Note: Workshops also take place via KERN Virtual™

Free special workshop content

Free special workshop content

Our workshops have a variety of themes - whether it’s resilience, marketing communication or customer service, there’s something for everyone. 

Successful workshops thanks to extensive experience

Is the further professional development of your employees in the area of business and communication skills important to you? Would you like team members with who contribute to your company's success and who are equipped to tackle business situations? Then trust in our years of experience in the area of communication and further development!

Successful workshops thanks to extensive experience

Workshops from KERN offer you:

Certified trainers

Language training The seminars are led by certified trainers with expertise and cross-sector know-how.




Fast learning success

Teaching in a way you'll understand: We equip you with strategies and tips that you can start using and assimilating immediately.



Practical application

No general theory: Our training is based on real-life situations and we're happy to include your concrete examples so we can fully tailor our support to your own situation!

Have fun

Chat, interact, laugh: Creative togetherness promises a great atmosphere that will quickly boost your team’s self-confidence!



Contact & Advice

Already decided the form of language tuition you want? Do you need more information, or some advice? We'd be delighted to help. Send us a brief message via the contact form or give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you.