• Leading conversations seminar

    Leading conversations

    Successful conversations: Learn how to find the right words at work and develop valuable communication skills.

Leading conversations seminar

Purposeful communication is essential for successful exchange in professional environments. You must use the right words for the relevant context, and the right tone - this can be a challenge for everybody. And then there is non-verbal behaviour such as gestures, facial expressions and body language which tell you a lot about the other person, and can convey a lot of messages. Our communication experts will teach youhow to develop your communication and conversational skills, and lead conversations with the aim of achieving your goals.

We teach you the basic principles of communication and how to handle complex situations. To ensure you can apply what you have learned in practice, our trainers will simulate different conversation situations which may present a challenge in your day-to-day working life.

You can book and combine the following seminars in leading conversations with us:

Leading conversations: Learn with us

  • Basic principles of communication and leading conversations
  • Verbal and non-verbal communication patterns
  • Asking questions, listening, giving feedback
  • Understand different conversational situations
  • Develop your own methods
  • Deal with conflicts
  • Develop persuasion tactics
  • Maintaining customer relations
  • Leading employees

Conversation management courses from KERN offer you:

Certified trainers

Communication experts: The seminars are led by certified trainers with expertise and cross-sector know-how.



Fast learning success

Teaching in a way you'll understand: We equip you with strategies and tips that you can start using and assimilating immediately.



Practical application

No general theory: Our training is based on real-life situations and we're happy to include your own specific examples so we can fully tailor our support to your own situation!

Have fun

Chat, interact, laugh: Creative togetherness promises a great atmosphere that will quickly boost your self-confidence!



Seminars close to you:

KERN AG Training holds seminars on leading conversations at many different locations throughout Germany. We are also happy to offer training in-house. Find out more now or ask for a free consultation!

0800 5376 53 76


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We're happy to help

We are there for you Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Tel.: (069) 75 60 73-90
Email: info@kerntraining.com