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KERN ClientApp™

General language skills are no longer enough for career purposes - required foreign language skills are extremely varied depending on sector, position or company. With KERN ClientApp™, KERN offers an app that is location-independent and suitable for everyday use, which unites individual as well as sector- and company-specific training into one tool which can be directly implemented at your workplace. Furthermore, employees learn specific terminology, phrases and terms that make their life (professional or otherwise) easier.


Individual and authentic teaching material

It is easy to understand that a tourist does not need the same foreign language skills as the product manager for a mechanical engineer, who has to negotiate with foreign environmental authorities on the construction of a plant on the edge of a nature reserve.


E-Learning with the KERN Lingo™ language learning platform

Do you want to learn a foreign language free from traditional courses and fixed deadlines, consolidate your knowledge, or simply invest more time in language training? Are you looking for a user-friendly language learning software? We can offer you a flexible option! With the e-learning solution KERN Lingo™, you can manage your learning time yourself. With this application-specific training, we guarantee you great training efficiency and lots of fun while learning.


KERN Virtual™

Live online learning, flexibly, effectively and interactively, in the office or on the go: KERN Virtual™ is the key to acquiring your desired degree of foreign language proficiency. Learn a language with your language coach alone or together as a group, and improve your passive and active language skills. 


Step into German - German as a foreign language for expatriates

In many internationally active companies it has long been standard to use the specialist knowledge and specific skills of colleagues from international sister companies at the German location. 


German for Newcomers

As a result of Brexit, several thousand bankers from Great Britain are expected to settle in Frankfurt in the future. Because their language of business is often English, the German they need is generally to equip them to deal with day-to-day living. KERN Training offers bankers and their family members German language courses that cater specifically to these needs.
