• English for Finance and Controlling

    English for Finance and Controlling

    For specialist and executive personnel from the areas of finance, accounting and controlling. 

English for Finance and Controlling

For staff, specialist and executive personnel who work in the areas of finance, accounting and controlling and who want to communicate confidently with international business partners on the telephone or in writing.

You will learn the English vocabulary and expressions in the areas of accounting and finance, and you will improve your written communication in e-mails and letters from across different business areas. We also practice various situations such as meetings, presentations and negotiations. 


  • Use vocabulary and expressions in accounting & finance language with confidence – written and verbally
  • Professional structure of written correspondence
  • Targeted and efficient communication on the telephone
  • Discuss and explain solutions

An overview of the main focuses:

  • Expand terminology and vocabulary in the area of accounting & finance
  • Golden rules of business correspondence, including via e-mail
  • Eliminate uncertainties and enquiries in business communication
  • Understand problems and deal with them correctly
  • Command of common expressions and phrases
  • Questioning techniques
  • Ability to discuss and explain complex issues

Depending on the area in question, the content is adapted to the daily business situation that the participants will be working in, whether it is explaining and analysing profit and loss accounts, presenting the company balance or discussing key figures.

Are you interested in another specialist language course for the areas of finance and controlling? Do get in touch with us!

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Sie haben Interesse am spezialisierten Sprachentraining für den Bereich Finanzen und Controlling? Dann kontaktieren Sie uns gerne.

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Email: info@kerntraining.com